(01_31_24) Parshas Yisro 5784
Dedicated to אַחֵינוּ כָּל בֵּית יִשְׂרָאֵל and for anyone who needs a Refuah or Yeshuah in Eretz Yisroel
לזכר נשמת הרב משה דוד בן הרב יצחק אייזעק זצ”ל
L’Zecher Nishmat Rabbi Moshe Dovid Tendler zt”l
The Parshah On Fire: Yisro (5784) The Non-Obvious Obvious
The Parshah On Fire – Yisro (5784) The Non-Obvious Obvious
TDPAP Pirkei Avot (3.8)
This week’s idea on Mishna 3.8 is written by Rabbi Eis. Rabbi Rafi and Rebbentzen Atara Eis are friends and neighbours of the Dee family in the Zayit neighbourhood of Efrat. On a number of occasions, Lucy hy”d arranged for Atara to teach Torah to women.
🇮🇱 עם ישראל חי 🇮🇱
Read More >>Parshas Yisro (5784): Transform Your Learning & Tefillah With This!
לזכות רפואה שלמה
Yehuda (leon) Ben Esther
לזכות זווג הגון
for Moshe Ben Leon
What Motivated Him To Mail $10K In Cash?
(01_30_24) Honor Your Parents Or Fear Them?
Issue 134 – Yisro (5784)
לעילוי נשמת אבי מורי ר’ שלמה זלמן בן ר’ ישעיה זצ”ל
ולזכות רפואה שלמה: הינדא בת מרים רבקה, ואברהם דוד בן רבקה בתוך שאר חולי ישראל
This week’s issue is dedicated as zechus for Acheinu Kol Bais Yisrael. May Hashem be with us and protect, heal and comfort all of Klal Yisrael!