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Beshalach (5783) Hashem Is Running The Show


Beshalach (5782) Hashem Is The Only Path


Beshalach (5781) Never Coast


Beshalach (5780) Struggles Help Us With Our Emunah


Beshalach (5779) We Do Our Action And Hashem Takes Care Of The Rest


Bo (5782) Hashem Walks With Us

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Bo (5781) Lack Of Achdus Is Real Problem Of Choshech

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Bo (5780) At The Moment That There Is Desolation Is The Beginning Of Growth

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Bo (5779) Darkness Is Not Seeing Your Friend To Help Him

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Va’eira (5782) From THAT Situation The Salvation Will Come

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Va’eira (5781) Think Big Picture!

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Va’eira (5780) In Order To Help, You Need To Understand The Other’s Pain

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Va’eira (5779) Doing Things On Your Own Terms Even If It Means Being Annoyed

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Vayechi (5783) Just Because I Love You

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Vayechi (5782) Act Like A Grandfather

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Vayechi (5781) Our Struggles Define Us

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Vayechi (5780) Switching Hands To Show Other Strength

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Vayigash (5783) How Did You Get There?

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Vayigash (5782) Stop Focusing On The Externals

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Vayigash (5781) Taking Responsibility Elevates Us

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Vayigash (5780) We Have To See People From Up Close

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Vayigash (5779) Showing OUR Father

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Mikeitz (5783) Stay Awake

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Hannukah (5783) Wake Up!

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Vayeishev (5783) Life Is About Doing

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Vayeishev (5782) What Is Living In Peace?

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Vayeishev (5781) Look Outside Yourself

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Vayeishev (5780) What It Means To Be Shomer Shabbos

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Vayeishev (5779) Hashem Wants Us To Know He Is With Us!

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Vayeitzei (5783) I Want You To Know How Much I Love You

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Vayeitzei (5782) You Have My Undivided Attention

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Vayeitzei (5781) Working An Extra Seven Years To Avoid Hurting Feelings

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Vayeitzei (5780) Learning Torah Leaves An Impression

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Vayeitzei (5779) Real Achdus

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Toldos (5783) Make Your Son Who HE Can Be

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Chayei Sarah (5783) Beauty Did Not Get To Her Head

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Vayera (5783) Spousal Support Makes Things Easier

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Vayera (5782) Greet People Like The Rays Of The Sun

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Vayera (5781) If You Feel Close Then You Don’t Need To Say Anything

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Vayera (5780) No One Knows About Your Chesed Except Your Children

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Vayera (5779) Sarah Can’t Be Happy If Others Are Suffering

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Lech Lecha (5782) Use Your Experiences To Help Others

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Lech Lecha (5781) Hashem Loves Us Because He Chose Us

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Lech Lecha (5780) Don’t Let Your Fights Escalate

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Lech Lecha (5779) Why Would Avraham Want To Be Famous?

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Noach (5782) The Keys To Rebuilding

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Noach (5781) Put Our Past Behind Us

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Noach (5780) Each Person Has A Talent That No One Else In The World Has

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Noach (5779) Make Our Words A Jewel

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Bereishis (5783) Chesed After Sin

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Bereishis (5782) Man’s Potential Is Infinite

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Bereishis (5781) Connecting Is Not Being Alone

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Bereishis (5780) All We Need Is One Small Turn

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Bereishis (5779) Yiddishkeit Is About The Dos, Not About The Nots

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Ha’azinu (5782) We Need Our Leaders!

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Ha’azinu (5781) Hard Work Will Make You Happy

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Ha’azinu (5779) The Torah Is Complete And Perfect

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Ha’azinu (5778) Go To The Elders To Hear The Proper Perspective

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Rosh Hashana (5781) Hashem Is The One That Gives Us The Honey AND The Salt Water

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Rosh Hashana (5780) Our Relationship Defines Our Reality

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Netzavim (5782) Make It Sweet In Order For It To Continue

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Netzavim (5781) Don’t Get Comfortable With Idols

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Netzavim (5779) Blessings Are Also A Test

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Netzavim (5778) If Your Children Know About Our Mitzvos Then They Will Continue In Your Ways

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Ki Seytzey (5781) A Jew Won’t Turn Away A Chesed

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Ki Seytzey (5780) If We Are On The Lookout For Mitzvos, Hashem Will Send Us The Opportunities

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Ki Seytzey (5779) Don’t Forget Hashem Loves You

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Ki Seytzey (5778) If One Parent Believes In You, You Can Turn Your Ways Around

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Re’eh (5782) Don’t Forget He Is A Jew!

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Re’eh (5781) The Gift Of Time

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Re’eh (5779) One Can Effect Many

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Eikev (5782) Be Present

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Eikev (5781) Give Rebuke To Your Child AS IF He Was Not Your Child

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Eikev (5780) Things Seem Impossible Because We Don’t Know What We Are Capable Of

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Eikev (5779) Smaller Things Are A Greater Sign Of Love

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Vaeschanan (5782) We Daven So That We Can Have A Relationship With Hashem

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(08_04_22) The Effect of Hakaras Hatov

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Balak (5781) If You Want To Win An Argument, Don’t Offend The Ego

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Balak (5780) You Do Your Best And Hashem Will Do The Rest

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Balak (5779) Open Your Eyes To See That It Is All From Hashem

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Shlach (5782) Know Where You Come From

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Behaloscha (5782) Lighting To Influence

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Behaloscha (5781) Hashem Makes Sure We Get What We Need

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Behaloscha (5779) A Mother’s Job

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Behar (5779) The Koach of Using Positive Peer Pressure

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Naso (5782) Who Is In Control?

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Naso (5781) Don’t Compare Yourself To Others

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Naso (5780) Be The Best You Can Be

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Naso (5779) Deal With Your Problems

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Shavous 5782: Get Up And Join The Party

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Bamidbar: What it means to be a rebbe

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Shavous: We have diamonds, lets get it

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Bechukosai: Torah is all about hard work

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Bechukosai: The real Bracha is to be happy with what you have

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Bechukosai: Every Jew has a value

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Behar: Learn from Shmita

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Behar: Help a person BEFORE he falls

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Behar: The Koach of using positive peer pressure

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Emor: Dont waste your potential

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Emor: We all have a unique path to the Torah

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Emor: Thank you Hashem

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Emor: Message of being special

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Kedoshim: Ignore the bad, define by the good

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Kedoshim” Our Neshama makes us so holy

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Kedoshim: Act on the inspiration

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AchreyMos:A Doctor loves you

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Achrey Mos: Transforming your house into Kodesh Kadashim

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Pesach: Learning how to be rich

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Pesach; Take it home


Pesach: The 4 (different) sons

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Metzora: Use your words or abuse them

check out my site to help prepare for pesach

Metzora: Keep the lesson

check out my video for prep for pesach

Tazria: Work on yourself first

check out my website for pesach,


Purim: Being different is real Achdus


Purim: MASKS I love you for who are not what you look like


Purim: It is in the inside that counts


Purim: Seize the moment


Vayikra: The power of salt


Vayakheil: Are we “you shall make” or “we did” people

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Vayakhel: It should be obvious on your face where you are coming from


Vayakhel: We always need to get along


Ki Sisa: No Jew is a number


Ki Sisa: Our difficulties define us


Ki Sisa: Don’t wait for something to be gone to appreciate it


Ki Sisa: Why are we told that the Luchos are a Maseh Elokim only when they are about to be broken


Tetzaveh: Our names shine through the stones


Tetzaveh: Know your potential


Tetzaveh: Loshon harah has to do with the way that you think


Truma: The wood is a reminder that galus is ending


Mishpatim: Be thankful for all the good things



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Mishpatim: Quality over quantity


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Mishpatim: Realize that we are messengers of Hashem


Yisro:Each child is an only child


Yisro: Being happy with anothers persons success is easier said than done


Yisro: Living together is the preparation for Matan Torah

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Yisro: We are Hashems children


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Beshalach:The only path is the path of Hashem


Beshalach: Never Coast


Beshalach: Struggles help us with our Emuna


Beshalach: We do our actions and Hashem takes care of the rest


Bo: Lack of achdus is the real problem of Choshech


Bo: At the moment of desolation is the beginning of growth


Bo: Darkness is not seeing your friend in need


Bo: Hashem walks with us


Va Era: From THAT situation, the salvation will come


Va Era: Think the big picture


Va Era: Doing things on your own terms even if it means being uncomfortable


Shemos: Don’t let Jews gather!


Shemos: When you are alone you are not in danger


Shemos: Big people make little things BIG


Vayichi: Act like a grandfather


Vayichi: our struggles define us


Vayichi: Switching hands to show your strength


Vayichi: Focus on what you DO have


Vayigash: Stop focusing on the outside


Vayigash: Taking responsibility elevates us


Vayigash: We have to see people from up close


Vayigash: Showing OUR Father



MIkeytz: A life of light


Chanuka: The power of one


Chanuka: Warm walls


Chanuka: Taking Chanuka with us


Chanuka: How the Greeks affected our money


Chanuka: We have to give up our Gashmious for Hashem

In honor of chanuka. In memory of Mordechai Zvi ben Yitzchok Elimelech

Vayeshev: What do we think is peace?


Vayeshev: Look outside your self


Vayeshev: What it means to be Shomer Shabbos


Vayeshev: Hashem wants us to know that He is with us at all times


Vayishlach: All we have to do is try


Vayishlach: Being able to sing at all times


Vayishlach: Know when to give Mussar


Vayishlach: Nothing stands in the way of a mans will


Vaytzey: You have my undivided attention.


Vayetzey: Working an extra seven years to avoid hurting Leahs feelings


Vayetzey: Learning torah leaves an impression


Vayetzey: Real achdus


Toldos: Hashem cant wait to hear from you


Toldos: No matter what we look like, we are still getting the Brachos


Toldos:What Yakov was trying to accomplish by holding onto Esavs ankle


Chaya Sara: it is all good



Chaya Sara”Everythign happens exactly when Hashem wants it to


Chaya Sara:in marriage, you both have to feel like you got the better end of the deal


Chaya Sara: You have to think outside of yourself to do Chesed


The Sun teaches us how to greet people


Use your experiences to help others


Lech Licha: Dont let your fights escalate


Lech Licha:Why would Avraham want to be famous?


The keys to rebuilding


Noach: Put the past behind us


Noach: Each person has a unique talent
Noach make our words a jewel


Yidishkeit is about the does, not about the nots

This weeks Dvar Torah is for a Refua Shilayma for Aliza Talia Sarah bat Dina Rachel

Berashis: Mans potential is infinite

This weeks Dvar Torah is for a Refua Shilayma for Aliza Talia Sarah bat Dina Rachel

A small meal allows us to focus on what is really important

This weeks Dvar Torah is for a Refua Shilayma for Aliza Talia Sarah bat Dina Rachel

Hashem Loves OUR Achdus

This weeks Dvar Torah is for a Refua Shilayma for Aliza Talia Sarah bat Dina Rachel



Be like an esrog, thrive through the year


