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Vayakhel Pikudei Hachodesh 5781



Vayikra Drasha- Freedom from Our Inner Beast


בשלח תשפא

Beshalach 5781

Beshalach 5781



Vaeira Drasha- The Snake is Hashem’s Staff


Bo Drasha- Hashem’s Unconditional Love


Bo SS- Clothe Your Neshama


Vaeira SS- What it Takes to be an Eved Hashem.


Shmos Drasha-Leave Out the Names


Shmos SS- Chesed and Din Together


Vayichi Drasha-To See and Feel the Shechina


Vayichi SS- Our Name, Tongue and Garb


Balak SS-Conquering the 4 Components of Amalek


Bihaaloscha Drasha-Can Our Leaders Make Mistakes


Bihaaloscha SS-Know That You Don’t Know


Chukas Balak Drasha-L’an Ata Holech


Devorim Drasha-Think Like a Yid, Feel Like a Yid, See LIke a Yid


Devorim SS-Start Don’t Dream


Eikev Drasha-Talk About It All Day


Eikev SS Everything Will Come Full Circle


Ki Seitzei Drasha-Enjoy Life


Matos Drasha-Restoring the Balance


Matos-Masei SS-Get Rid of Your Alef


Naso Drasha-Darkness Precedes Light


Naso SS How Bad is Wine


Rieh Drasha-Elul Begins With Ani


Shavuos-Take Yourself Seriously



Vaeschanan Drasha-The Purpose of Life’s Challenges


Zachor-Be Satisfied-Not in Ruchnius


Zachor-Our Enemy-Natural Cause


Zachor-Be Satisfied-Not in Ruchnius


Yisro SS-Shabbos, The Day of the Baal Teshuva


Yisro Drasha-Uniting Despite Our Differences


Vayishlach SS-The Lonely Jew


Vayishlach Drasha-Appreciating Disappointment


Vayichi Drasha-Open Your Heart So You Can See


Vayeitzei SS-Life is a Dream


Vaera SS-Keep On Walking


Vaera SS-Don’t Procrastinate


Vaera Drasha-Emuna Pshuta


Vaera Drasha-Don’t Tolerate Limitations


Truma SS-Build Yourself & Build Others



Truma Drasha-Emes vs. Shalom


Tetzave-Zachor SS 5770


Shmos SS-2 Methods of Humility


Shmos Drasha- The Importance of Women


Shmini Atzeres-You Can’t Fool Hashem


Shabbos Hagadol-3 Components of a Jewish Home.mp3


Mishpatim-Shkalim SS 5780


Mishpatim-Shkalim Drasha 5780



Bo SS-What’s Your Priority


Bo Drasha-2 Approaches to Kiruv


Beshalach Drasha- Miriam, Chana and Rachel


Yisro SS-Shabbos, The Day of the Baal Teshuva
Yisro Drasha-Uniting Despite Our Differences
Vayishlach SS-The Lonely Jew
Vayichi Drasha-Open Your Heart So You Can See
Vayeitzei SS-Life is a Dream


Vaera SS-Keep On Walking
Vaera SS-Don’t Procrastinate


Vaera Drasha-Emuna Pshuta


Vaera Drasha-Don’t Tolerate Limitations


Truma SS-Build Yourself & Build Others
Truma Drasha-Emes vs. Shalom


Tetzave-Zachor SS 5770


Shmos SS-2 Methods of Humility


Shmos Drasha- The Importance of Women
Shabbos Hagadol-3 Components of a Jewish Home.mp3


Mishpatim-Shkalim SS 5780


Mishpatim-Shkalim Drasha 5780


Bo SS-What’s Your Priority


Bo Drasha-2 Approaches to Kiruv


Beshalach Drasha- Miriam, Chana and Rachel


Vayishlach Drasha-Appreciating Disappointment


Shmini Atzeres-You Can’t Fool Hashem


Balak Drasha-Is Your Rebbe Bilaam or Avraham


Chukas Drasha-The Water in the Stone


Pinchas Drasha-Taking Matters Into Our Hands


Balak SS-The Door is Always Open


Pinchas SS-Night Precedes Day


Matos Masei Drasha-Who Will Be the Survivors


Matos-Without Torah There’s No Derech Eretz


Devorim Drasha-Seeing With the Light of the World


Vaeschanan SS-Sanctifying His Name Through Our Actions



Vaeschanan Drasha-Our Father is Alive and Well


Eikev Drasha-The Preperation is Greater than the Mitzvah


Eikev SS-Fake It Until You Make It




Shoftim Drasha-Is it a Dog or a Lion


Shoftim SS-Ani Lidodi-What It Takes To Get There.


Ki Seitzei Drasha-Every Happening is a Bird’s Nest


Behar Drasha- Malchus ShebiHod


Behar SS- Chesed ShebiYisod


Shavuos-Transitioning From Animal To Man


Bamidbar Drasha 5779-Malchus ShebiMalchus


Shavuos Neilas Hachag 5779


Naso Drasha-Positivity-The Vessel For Blessing


Bihaaloscha Drasha- Serve Him Like a Son



Balak Drasha-Is Your Rebbe Bilaam or Avraham


Chukas Drasha-The Water in the Stone


Pinchas Drasha-Taking Matters Into Our Hands



Korach Drasha-The Torah Isn’t In Heaven



Korach SS-The Proof of Moshe’s Authenticity


Bihaaloscha SS-To Unite Yud Kay and Vov Kay


Bihaaloscha Drasha- Serve Him Like a Son


Shabbos Hagadol-Cheirus=Belonging To Ourselves


Hachodesh-The Kingdom of Klal Yisroel


Tazria-Hachodesh-3 Lessons From the Moon


Shmini Drasha-Bina Yiseira


Pesach Seder 2019 3of 3


Pesach Seder 2019 2of 3



Pesach Seder 2019 part 1 of 3


Tzav Drasha-Emes vs Shalom


Vayikra-Zachor-The Purpose of Avoda


Vayakhel-Shkalim Drasha 5779


Vayakhel-Shkalim SS 5779


Pikudei Drasha-Avoda Zara-External Service.mp3


Pikudei Drasha-Avoda Zara-External Service


Pikudei SS-The Four Amos of Halacha


Tfilla#112 V’Al Kulam


Tfilla#111 V’Al Hagvuros


Tfilla#110 V’Al Hapurkan


Ki Sisa Drasha 5774


Tetzave SS-The 11th Spice


Tetzave Drasha-4 requirements of Chinuch


Tetzave Drasha 5774


Tetzave-Zachor Drasha 5778


Tetzave-Zachor SS 5778


Truma Drasha- The 2 Mountains


Beshalach SS-The Avodah of Koshe


Mishpatim SS-The Tikkun of Shovavim


Mishpatim Drasha-Ein Mukdam U’Miuchar Batorah


Yisro SS-The Triple Calf


Yisro Drasha-Stop Trying To Be Normal


Beshalach Drasha-Prepare and Be Present


Va’era SS-Keep On Walking


Va’era Drasha-Emuna Pshuta


Shmos SS-The name of 42 Letters


Shmos Drasha-Are We Drowning Our Children


Balak 5769`

Balak 5769



Tfilla#106 Al Chayeinu Hamisurim…


Tfilla#105 Tzur Chayeinu


Tfilla#104 Modim#2


Tfilla#103 Modim#1


Tfilla#102 Hamachzir Shchinaso


Tfilla#101 Retzei#1


Tfilla#100 Shma Koleinu#5


Tfilla#99 Shma Koleinu#4


Tfilla#98 Shma Koleinu#3


Tfilla#97 Shma Koleinu#2


Tfilla#96 Shma Koleinu#1


Tfilla#95 Es Tzemach


Tfilla#94 ViliYerushalayim


Tfilla#93 Al Hatzadikim#2


Tfilla#92 Al Hatzadikim#1


Tfilla#91 Nacheim#2




Tfilla#89 Vilamalshinim#3


Tfilla#88 Vilamalshinim#2


Tfilla#87 Vilamalshinim#1


Tfilla#86 Hashiva Shofteinu


Tfilla#85 Teka B’Shofar


Tfilla#84 Bareich Aleinu


Tfilla#83 Refoeinu


Tfilla#82 Ri’ee Na


Tfilla#81 Slach Lonu


Tfilla#80 Hashiveinu


Tfilla#79 Ata Chonantanu


Tfilla#78 Ata Chonein


Tfilla#78 Ata Chonein Cont.


Tfilla#77 Lidor Vador


Tfilla#76 Ata Kadosh


Tfilla#75 Zachreinu L’Chaim


Tfilla#74 Kedusha#6


Tfilla#73 Kedusha#5


Tfilla#72 Kedusha#4


Tfilla#71 Kedusha#3


Tfilla#70 Kedusha#2


Tfilla#69 Kedusha#1


Tfilla#68 Vineman Ata…


Tfilla#67 Melech Meimis Umichaye


Tfilla#66 Someich Noflim…


Tfilla#65 Mechalkel Chaim


Tfilla#64 Morid Hageshem, Hatal


Tfilla#63 Rav Lihoshia…


Tfilla#62 Michayei Meisim Ato..


Tfilla#61 Ato Gibor#2


Tfilla#60 Ato Gibbor


Tfilla#59 Magein Avraham


Tfilla#58 Melech Ozer..


Tfilla#57 Umeivi Goel..


Tfilla#56 Vikonei Hakol…


Tfilla#55 Keil Elyon…



Tfilla#54 Hakel Hagadol…


Tfilla#53 Elokei Avraham…


Tfilla#52 Elokeinu V’Elokei Avoseinu


Tfilla#51 Hashem Sifasai Tiftach#2


Tfilla#50 Hashem Sefasai Tiftach


Tfilla#49 Intro to Shmone Esrei


Tfilla#48 Vizocharti Es Brisi Yakov


Tfilla#47 RBSHO After Akeida


Tfilla#46 Akeida#3


Tfilla# 045 Akeida#2



Tfilla#44 Akeida


Tfilla#43 Yehi Ratzon Shetatzileini


Tfilla#42 Usneinu Hayom


Tfilla#41 V’lo Lidei Nisayon


Tfilla#40 V’al Tevieinu Lo Lidei Cheit


Tfilla#39 Vihi Ratzon Shetargileini


Tfilla#38 Hamavir Sheina-Vihi Ratzon


Tfilla#37 Hamavir Sheina


Tfilla#36 Hanosein Layoef Koach


Tfilla#35 Oter Yisroel Bisifara


Tfilla#34 Ozer Yisroel Bigvura


Tfilla#33 Hameichin Mitzadei Gaver, Sheasa Li Kol Tzarki


Tfilla#32 Matir Asurim-Roka Ha’oretz


Tfilla#31 Malbish Arumim


Tfilla#30 Pokeach Ivrim


Tfilla#29 Shelo Osani Eved, Isha, Sheosani Kirtzono


Tfilla#28 Shelo Osani Goi


Tfilla#27 Asher Nossan Lasechvi Bina


Tfilla#26 Adon Olam#6


Tfilla#25 Adon Olam#5


Tfilla#24 Adon Olam#4


Tfilla#23 Adon Olam#3


Tfilla#22 Adon Olam#2


Tfilla#21 Adon Olam#1


Tfilla#20 V’Ahavta L’reacha Kamocha


Tfilla#19 Ma Tovu#3


Tfilla#18 Ma Tovu#2


Tfilla#17 Ma Tovu


Tfilla#16 Eilu Dvarim


Tfilla#15 Yivorechicha, Eilu Dvarim




Tfilla#13 V’Harev Na#3


Tfilla#12 V’Harev Na#2


Tfilla#11 V’Harev Na


Tfilla#10 L’Asok B’Divrei Torah


Tfilla#9 Elokai, Neshama C


Tfilla#8 Elokai, Neshama B



Tfilla#7 Elokai, Neshama


Tfilla #006 Asher Yatzar B


Tfilla#5 Asher Yatzar


Tfilla #004 Al Netilas Yadayim


Tfilla#3 Baruch-Bimitzvosav


Tfilla #002 Modeh Ani


Tfilla #001 Introduction


Behar SS 5774


Behar Drasha 5774


Behar Bichukosai SS 5773


Behar Bichukosai Drasha 5773


Behar Bechukosai B


Behar Bechukosai A


Bamidbar SS 5770


Balak SS 5776


Balak SS 5775


Balak SS 5774


Balak SS 5773


Balak SS 5770


Balak Drasha 5776


Balak Drasha 5775 B


Balak Drasha 5775 A


Balak Drasha 5774



Balak Drasha 5773



“Balak Drasha 5771


Balak 5769`

“Balak 5769”.


Achron Shel Pesach 5776


Achron Shel Pesach 5775


Achrei-Kidoshim SS 5772


Achron Shel Pesach 5775




Achrei-Kidoshim 5769


Chayei Sarah SS 5774


Chayei Sarah SS 5773


Chayei Sarah SS 5772


Chayei Sarah Drasha 5776


Chayei Sarah Drasha 5773


Chayei Sarah Drasha 5772


Chayei Sarah 5770

Chayei Sarah 5770


Chayei Sara SS 5771


Chayei Sara Drasha 5771


Lech Licha SS 5777


Lech Licha SS 5777 omission


Lech Licha Drasha 5777


Lech Licha Drasha 5776




Lech Licha Drasha 5774


Lech Licha Drasha 5772


Lech Licha Drasha 5771


Lech Licha 5770

Lech Licha 5770


Achrei-Kedoshim SS 5775



Achrei-Kedoshim Drasha 5775






Achrei Kidoshim 5770

Achrei Kidoshim 5770


Achrei Drasha 5776




Achrei Drasha 5770


Achrei Bris Seuda 5769




Breishis 5777.mp3


Bo SS-A Yid is Never Alone









Behar 5770





Achrei Drasha-Netzach ShebiNetzach


Vaera Drasha 5775


Ushpiza D’Yakov 5775


Ushpiza D’Yakov 5775


Shmos Drasha 5775


Shmini Atzeres 5775


Miketz Drasha 5775


Lech Licha SS 5775


Chayei Sara Drasha 5775


Bo Drasha 5775


Bihaaloscha SS-Channeling Taava


Balak SS-To See What is Heard


Vayishlach-Zos Chanukah


Mikeitz SS-To Be a Merkava LiShchina


Noach SS-The Month of Bul


Vayigash SS-Night Precedes the Day



Toldos SS-Selfless Prayer


Chanukah-Light and Warmth


Mikeitz Drasha-3 Effects of Every Deed


Vayeishev SS-The Triple Meaning of Chalon


Vayeira SS-Avimelech and the Qualities of Water


Vayeitzei Drasha-The 4 Exiles of Every Jew


Lech Licha SS-Ensuring The Future While Preserving The Past


Bamidbar SS-Netzach ShebiMalchus


Emor Drasha-Netzach ShebiHod


Tetzave-Zachor-Ner Hashem Nishmas Adam


Ki Sisa-Parah Drasha-Elokeinu V’Elokei Avoseinu


Tazria-Metzora Drasha-Netzach Shebitiferes


Behar Bichukosai Drasha-Netzach Shebiyisod


Achron Shel Pesach-Malchus ShebiChesed


Shavuos-The True Identity of a Yid


Shlach Drasha-Look Outside of Yourself


Balak Drasha-When to be big and when to be small



Tkias Shofar 5775


Bihaaloscha Drasha-Teach By Example


Tkias Shofar#2 5771


Tkias Shofar#1 5771


Tkias Shofar 5774


Eikev Drasha 5775



Netzavim Vayeilech Drasha-Choose Chaim Not Tov


Ki Savo-Wind and Water



Eikev Drasha-Rav and Kol


Noach Drasha-Identity Theft


Chazon Drasha-Vision Vs Chinam


Eikev Bris 5775


Toldos Drasha-Esav The Struggling Jew


Breishis Drasha-The Built-In Yerida


Lech Licha Drasha-To Be a True Chassid


Chayei Sarah Drasha-Be an Ish


Chayei Sarah SS-To Build Yerushalayim With Our Days


Vayeishev Drasha-The Necessity of Void


Vayeishev Drasha-The Necessity of Void Continued


“Zos Chanukah-Shmini Shebishminis”.


Vayigash Drasha-When the Veil is Lifted


Tfilla #002 Modeh Ani


Tfilla #002 Modeh Ani


Tfilla #001 Introduction


RET Nesivos Shalom 08-16-2009

RET Nesivos Shalom 08-16-2009


RET Nesivos Shalom 8-02-2009

RET Nesivos Shalom 8-02-2009


RET Nesivos Shalom 07-05-2009

RET Nesivos Shalom 07-05-2009


RET Nesivos Shalom 02-07-2010

RET Nesivos Shalom 02-07-2010







Shavuos Yizkor 5773


Shavuos Yizkor 5773


Shabbos Hagadol #2

Shabbos Hagadol #2 ?



Neila 5773


Kol Nidrei 5774


Kol Nidrei 5774


Kol Nidrei 5771


Vaera Drasha 5772


Ki Savo Drasha 5771
