Rav Avigdor Miller on Bungalow Marriages
access_timeJanuary 22, 2020
perm_identity Posted by Jake W
folder_open R'Avigdor Miller Q&A
Rav Avigdor Miller on Bungalow Marriages
Is it proper this bungalow style vacation where the wife sees her husband only on Shabbos?
And the answer is, if it’s a benefit for the children then it’s proper. Because עמלנו, אלו הבנים – “All of our work is our children.” If the children in the bungalow can have a better environment than in the city, if they can have a very good rebbe, and very good chaveirim or chaveiros, then it’s worth it.
The only criterion is how much ruchniyus will the children gain. And on that basis this kind of arrangement is justified.