Thank you Lenny Tanzer , Eddie Zarabi, & Heshy Shertz for Full Sponsorship

If you would like to sponsor a day, week or the entire 40 Day Challenge please email

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Kol Hakavod to you all for making it these 40 days! May it be a zechut/merit for a Gmar Tov/sweet new year to come.  Looking forward to continuing to learn together!

(10_05_22) Day 40 – A Broken Heart (10th of Tishrei)

Thank you to the SoulSisters Renewal Challengers: Debbie, Edana, Goldie, Chana, Lauren, Michelle, Rosa and Tracey for sponsoring the 10 Days of Repentance!
Thank you to Michelle and Howie Shor for sponsoring tonight’s (last) 40 Day Challenge recording

(10_04_22) Day 39 – Reuniting the King and Queen (9th of Tishrei)

Thank you to the SoulSisters Renewal Challengers: Debbie, Edana, Goldie, Chana, Lauren, Michelle, Rosa and Tracey for sponsoring the 10 Days of Repentance!

(10_03_22) Day 38 – Getting a 100 (8th of Tishrei)

Thank you to the SoulSisters Renewal Challengers: Debbie, Edana, Goldie, Chana, Lauren, Michelle, Rosa and Tracey for sponsoring the 10 Days of Repentance!

(10_02_22) Day 37 – Living as Angels (7th of Tishrei)

Thank you to the SoulSisters Renewal Challengers: Debbie, Edana, Goldie, Chana, Lauren, Michelle, Rosa and Tracey for sponsoring the 10 Days of Repentance!

(10_01_22) Day 36 – You Can Run But You Can’t Hide (6th of Tishrei)

Thank you to the SoulSisters Renewal Challengers: Debbie, Edana, Goldie, Chana, Lauren, Michelle, Rosa and Tracey for sponsoring the 10 Days of Repentance!
Thank you Michael Penn for sponsoring today

Shabbat Shalom and Gmar Chatimah Tova!

(09_30_22) Day 35 – The Power to Change (5th of Tishrei)

Thank you to the SoulSisters Renewal Challengers: Debbie, Edana, Goldie, Chana, Lauren, Michelle, Rosa and Tracey for sponsoring the 10 Days of Repentance!
Thank you Alex Abel Segal for sponsoring today

(09_29_22) Day 34 – Desensitization (4th of Tishrei)

Thank you to the SoulSisters Renewal Challengers: Debbie, Edana, Goldie, Chana, Lauren, Michelle, Rosa and Tracey for sponsoring the 10 Days of Repentance!
Thank you Rene, Daniel and Ezra Isaacs for sponsoring today

(09_28_22) Day 33 – Feasting After Fasting (3rd of Tishrei)

Thank you to the SoulSisters Renewal Challengers: Debbie, Edana, Goldie, Chana, Lauren, Michelle, Rosa and Tracey for sponsoring the 10 Days of Repentance!
Thank you to Allison Bromberg for sponsoring today’s Torah in memory of her beloved father שלמה בן אברהם הלוי ז”ל on the occasion of his first Yahrtzeit.

MJE Rosh Hashanah Day 1 (5783) – Holy Habits

MJE Rosh Hashanah Day 2 (5783) – Choose It Or Lose It

(09_27_22) Day 31 – Working with What You’ve Got (1st of Tishrei – Rosh Hashanah Day 1) & Day 32 – Warming Others (2nd of Tishrei – Rosh Hashanah Day 2)

Thank you to the SoulSisters Renewal Challengers: Debbie, Edana, Goldie, Chana, Lauren, Michelle, Rosa and Tracey for sponsoring the 10 Days of Repentance!

MJE Rosh Hashanah Eve (5783) – The Beauty Which Surrounds Us

Sweet and Happy New Year, Ktiva V’chatimah Tova my friends

(09_25_22) Day 30 – Breath and Honey (29th of Elul – Erev Rosh Hashanah)

Thank you to Adam Singer for sponsoring this week in the merit of a רפואה שלמה (complete recovery) for Moshe Hirsch ben Aidel Chana and Esther bat Feiga. May they be blessed with a רפואה שלמה.

(09_24_22) Day 29 – The Message of the Shofar (28th of Elul)

Thank you to Adam Singer for sponsoring this week in the merit of a רפואה שלמה (complete recovery) for Moshe Hirsch ben Aidel Chana and Esther bat Feiga. May they be blessed with a רפואה שלמה.

(09_23_22) Day 28 – Our Father Our King (27th of Elul)

Thank you to Adam Singer for sponsoring this week in the merit of a רפואה שלמה (complete recovery) for Moshe Hirsch ben Aidel Chana and Esther bat Feiga. May they be blessed with a רפואה שלמה.

(09_22_22) Day 27 – Staying Connected (26th of Elul)

Thank you to Adam Singer for sponsoring this week in the merit of a רפואה שלמה (complete recovery) for Moshe Hirsch ben Aidel Chana and Esther bat Feiga. May they be blessed with a רפואה שלמה.

(09_21_22) Day 26 – The Purpose of Rosh Hashanah (25th of Elul)

Thank you to Adam Singer for sponsoring this week in the merit of a רפואה שלמה (complete recovery) for Moshe Hirsch ben Aidel Chana and Esther bat Feiga. May they be blessed with a רפואה שלמה.

(09_20_22) Day 25 – Focus Amidst the Static (24th of Elul)

Thank you Marianna Miller for sponsoring today

(09_19_22) Day 24 – Silence (23rd of Elul)

Thank you Casey Levine for sponsoring today

(09_18_22) Day 23 – The Stork (22nd of Elul)


(09_17_22) Day 22 – Not in Heaven (21st of Elul)


(09_16_22) Day 21 – Selichot (20th of Elul)


(09_15_22) Day 20 – Halfway There! (19th of Elul)


(09_14_22) Day 19 – Play the Ball, Not the Person (18th of Elul)


(09_13_22) Day 18 – Judging Favorably (17th of Elul)


(09_12_22) Day 17 – Bringing Redemption (16th of Elul)


(09_11_22) Day 16 – Holy Grapes (15th of Elul)

In Memory of all those who lost their lives on 9/11

(09_10_22) Day 15 – The Psychology Of Gossip (14th of Elul)


(09_09_22) Day 14 – If You See Something Say Something (13th of Elul)


(09_08_22) Day 13 – Consistency (12th of Elul)

Thank you Elul Ladies and Psalm Prayer Warriors for sponsoring today

(09_07_22) Day 12 – Love Thy Neighbor (11th of Elul)


(09_06_22) Day 11 – Learning from Our Enemies (10th of Elul)

Thank you Sarri Singer for sponsoring today

(09_05_22) Day 10 – What Are Your Priorities? (9th of Elul)


(09_04_22) Day 9 – The Real You (8th of Elul)


(09_03_22) Day 8 – Smile! (7th of Elul)


(09_02_22) Day 7 – Achieving Wholeness (6th of Elul)

Thank you Carly Schlankman for sponsoring today

(09_01_22) Day 6 – Never Sent, Never Signed: Controlling Anger (5th of Elul)


(08_31_22) Day 5 – Not By Thought Alone (4th of Elul)


(08_30_22) Day 4 – Making Music With What Remains (3rd of Elul)


(08_29_22) Day 3 – Finishing What We Start (2nd of Elul)


(08_28_22) Day 2 – Being Honest With Ourselves (1st of Elul)

Thank you Nathaniel Shlankman for sponsoring today

(08_27_22) Day 1 – Second Chances (30th of Av)


(08_26_22) Introduction – The 40 Day Challenge (29th of Av)
