CZE 2 Halacha daily day 3
access_timeOctober 12, 2019
perm_identity Posted by Jake W
folder_open CZE
Day 3-
The next mitzva t’midi, that one can accomplish every moment, is Yichud Hashem-focusing on the oneness of Hashem. This means that there are no partnerships and HKB”H is the only power.
2) The 4th mitzva t’midi is Ahavas Hashem-Love of HKB”H. This is accomplished through delving into the Torah, which allows one to see the greatness of HKB”H and as a result build a relationship of love. One should realize that all of the other things we love, including our children and material possessions, pales in comparison to the love one should feel towards HKB”H. One who establishes a focus on material items for their own pleasure in essence is negating this mitzvah.